
pysptk.sptk.mfcc(x, order=14, fs=16000, alpha=0.97, eps=1.0, window_len=None, frame_len=None, num_filterbanks=20, cepslift=22, use_dft=False, use_hamming=False, czero=False, power=False)


x : array

A input signal

order : int, optional

Order of MFCC. Default is 14.

fs : int, optional

Sampling frequency. Default is 160000.

alpha : float, optional

Pre-emphasis coefficient. Default is 0.97.

eps : float, optional

Flooring value for calculating log(x) in filterbank analysis. Default is 1.0.

window_len : int, optional

Window lenght. Default is len(x).

frame_len : int, optional

Frame length. Default is len(x).

num_filterbanks : int, optional

Number of mel-filter banks. Default is 20.

cepslift : int, optional

Liftering coefficient. Default is 22.

use_dft : bool, optional

Use DFT (not FFT) or not. Default is False.

use_hamming : bool, optional

Use hamming window or not. Default is False.

czero : bool, optional

If True, mfcc returns 0-th coefficient as well. Default is False.

power : bool, optional

If True, mfcc returns power coefficient as well. Default is False.

cc : array

MFCC vector, which is ordered as:

mfcc[0], mfcc[1], mfcc[2], … mfcc[order-1], c0, Power.

Note that c0 and Power are optional.

Shape of cc is:

  • order by default.
  • orde + 1 if czero or power is set to True.
  • order + 2 if both czero and power is set to True.

if num_filterbanks is less than or equal to order